Communion Of Dreams

Going Dark.
October 9, 2010, 11:06 am
Filed under: Astronomy, Science, Sixty Symbols, Space, YouTube

OK, I made it through one-sixth of the Sixty Symbols. And I’ve enjoyed them. I’ll probably make it through the rest of them. But I don’t think I’ll do any more reviews of the videos. They’re good, but there really isn’t much for me to say beyond what I have already, since while the content changes, there isn’t much more to add other than that.

So, today’s symbol  Dark Matter will be the last, unless one of the other videos I look at prompts me to write something.

Dark Matter is like a chocolate pie. No, seriously. Except it doesn’t really interact with the matter of most of the rest of the universe, so it’s like a chocolate pie that you could eat but wouldn’t taste. Oh, it would make you fat if you ate it, since it does have some effect on gravity. Or something like that.

OK, snark aside, this is a good recap of why scientists think that some 23% of all the matter in the universe seems to have gone missing, but has to be there somewhere. It’s worth watching this video in order to understand the issues involved, even though the science to date is very uncertain, as are the models suggested to provide an explanation. And don’t even get me started on theories concerning the 73% of the dark energy which is also missing. Because the vid sets that aside as a whole ‘nuther problem.

So, farewell, Sixty Symbols, at least for now. But thanks at least for giving me a craving for chocolate this morning.

Jim Downey

3 Comments so far
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Thanks for taking the time to look at our videos! Have enjoyed the reviews, good and bad…

Brady from Sixty Symbols

Comment by Brady

Brady, it’s a good series, and you are to be complimented for doing it – anyone who is looking to expand their knowledge can benefit from your work. Thanks for that.

Comment by James Downey

[…] noted about a month ago that I was going to stop writing ‘reviews’ of the Sixty Symbols videos, though I […]

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